OPENING DAYS in Delémont 2024
Friday’s opening time : 17h-18h30
Saturday’s opening time : 10h-17h
29-30 March ExpoMoto Martigny
12-13 April Open House Harley-Davidson BIXE - Hünenberg
4 May - Love Ride - Dübendorf
8 June Biker's Beach - Jura
4-6 July Punta Bagna - Courchevel (F)
18-20 July BASH - Germany
8-10 August - Biker's Days Basel
1-2 November - BigTwin Show - Houten (NL) - Guests only
8-9 November - Tattoo & Motor Show Genova (IT)
22-23 November - Rombo di Tuono - Brescia (IT)
28-30 November Custom Bike Show - Bad Salzuflen (DE)
Where to find us
Rue Auguste-Quiquerez 74
2800 Delémont - Jura - Switzerland
Friday: 17h - 18H30
Saturday*: 10H00 - 17H00
*please mind the EVENT LIST to know where you can find us. We suggest you to us a WhatsApp message to be sure we are in Delémont as aside the events we enjoy riding as well! :-)

Malparidos for us is a passion and even if we do it with professionalism and care, it is not our main activity.
As we care to always deliver the best customer support, when it is urgent, we are available to assist you from 17h30 during the week,
but not on Sunday nor on Monday.
On the other end, we are available to meet you and offer you a drink at the garage, or open for a call, on Friday from 17h and on Saturday from 10h to 17h.
As we are bikers, there are times we are riding instead to be at the shop or we are at an event or on vacation send us a message take an appointment so you are sure to "pin us down" to wait for you.
Thank you for supporting our passion! Ari & Chris